Family Guy Lost Episode: Curse of the Chicken Poop

So one day I went to the store and bought a Family Guy DVD and the guy at the register killed himself after I bought it and I screamed and I called the cops and slowly walked out of there. I got home and I was scared to put in the DVD into the DVD player, but then I remembered...I DIDN'T HAVE A DVD PLAYER!!! I was relieved so I put the DVD away, but just then I got a phone call that said I won a free Xbox 360. I was so scared (because the shipping was 1 second) and I checked the mail and there it was...THE FREE XBOX 360!!! I went inside and set up the Xbox 360 and I was scared to put the DVD in but I HAD to put in the DVD because I was too curious. I regret that now. I put it in and played the episode.
When the episode started it was the Family Guy theme but it was...DARK AND DISTORTED. I was scared during the theme because...EVERYONE HAD HYPER-REALISTIC EYES AND CHRIS WASN'T FAT!!! After the theme the episode played. The episode was about Ernie the Giant Chicken (that chicken that fights peter all the time) doing something scary. Okay, so the episode started and Lois told Peter to go outside to take out the trash. Peter got the trash and went outside and Ernie was there. Ernie knocked out and kidnapped Peter.
Ernie dragged Peter to the chicken coop and pooped on him but the poop was ...CURSED!!! When Peter woke up he was now...HYPER-REALISTIC MAN!!! He saw himself in the mirror and screamed. Peter then walked home and when he got home he was bleeding hyper-realistic blood. His family screamed and killed themselves. Then he went to sleep. He woke up in NYC and walked downtown on a Saturday at 1pm. Everyone killed themselves after seeing his face and then Peter turned to the camera and broke the 4th wall and he had...HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD BLEEDING OUT OF HIS HYPER-REALISTIC EYES ON HIS HYPER-REALISTIC FACE. I screamed and Peter crawled out of the T.V. and told me not to use drugs. Then I committed suicide and then a skeleton popped out.
This is my first Trollpasta so feel free to give advice.